Computer-identification information. |
IP address, assigned to the computer which you use. |
The domain server through which you access our service. |
The type of computer/mobile/tablet/e watch/digital assistant you're using. |
The type of web browser you're using. |
While you are transacting on our website personally identifiable information collected about you may include:
- First, middle and last name
- Email addresses, birth date, zodiac sign, anniversary date
- Contact details including phone numbers
- PIN/ZIP code
- Demographic profile (like your age, gender, occupation, education, address and durables owned)
- Personal preferences and interests (such as books, movies, music and so on)
- Your opinion on services, products, features on our websites |
We may also collect the following information about
- The pages you visit/access
- The links you click on our website
- The number of times you access the page
- Things you view, add to bag, add to wish list
- Other websites you open simultaneously while browsing on ours |